Rimrock Devlin - DeBartolo Development, LLC. (RDD)

The RDD team includes Rimrock Devlin, DeBartolo Development, Helman Hurley Charvat Peacock/Architects (HHCP), HKS, England-Thims & Miller (ETM) and GAI Consultants. RDD has proposed a convention center covering approximately 500,000 square feet with ground level retail along Bay Street, a 350 room hotel and 1,300 parking spaces. The convention center is estimated to cost up to $315 million. The hotel is estimated to cost up to $135 million. Combined, the project would cost between $430 and $450 million.

RDD would construct the convention center and hotel with private equity and debt. The city would then lease to occupy and maintain the space. The city would also enter into a lease agreement for the parking garage. Publicly financed components not included in the development costs include improvements to the riverwalk, Bay Street, environmental clean-up (if necessary), basin filling, and providing the land. The preliminary schedule suggests construction could begin as early as late 2019 and be completed in 2021.

Following this submittal, RDD then teamed with Iguana Investments Florida for a competing proposal adjacent to TIAA Bank Field, declaring that it now believes the Shipyards is the optimal location for a convention center.







Source: Downtown Investment Authority

Article by Ennis Davis, AICP. Davis is a certified senior planner and graduate of Florida A&M University. He is the author of the award winning books “Reclaiming Jacksonville,” “Cohen Brothers: The Big Store” and “Images of Modern America: Jacksonville.” Davis has served with various organizations committed to improving urban communities, including the American Planning Association and the Florida Trust for Historic Preservation. A 2013 Next City Vanguard, Davis is the co-founder of Metro Jacksonville.com and ModernCities.com — two websites dedicated to promoting fiscally sustainable communities — and Transform Jax, a tactical urbanist group. Contact Ennis at edavis@moderncities.com