The 8 floor, 266 unit City View Apartments building was completed on West Church Street in 2003.

The new 330,000 square foot George C. Young United States Courthouse and Federal Building Annex was completed in Parramore in 2007.

The former George C. Young Federal Annex Courthouse was built in 1975 and housed the Orlando Division and its agencies until 2007. It is now occupied by the United States Bankruptcy Court.

The Florida Central Railroad dates back to the 1880s when it was constructed by the Tavares, Orlando and Atlantic Railroad between Orlando and Tavares. Becoming the Seaboard Air Line Railroad in 1900, FCEN is a short line railroad that leases the corridor from CSX.

A 2020 Florida Trust for Historic Preservation 11 to Save site, the Black Bottom House of Prayer dates back to 1925.

The Hurst Chapel AME Church at Bentley Street and Beech Avenue was organized in 1926 and rededicated in 1950.

The Orange County Public Schools’ Academic Center for Excellence opened in August 2017.

Being developed on the site of the former Amway Arena, Creative Village is envisioned to be a 68-acre, mixed-use, transit oriented, urban infill neighborhood. Creative Village serves as the home of the University of Central Florida/Valencia Downtown Campus. The campus opened in 2019 with more than 8,000 students, faculty and staff.

The Dr. J.B. Callahan Neighborhood Center was the first school for African-Americans in Orlando when it opened in 1895. The school was eventually relocated to the intersection of Parramore Avenue and Washington Street and renamed Jones High School. In 1987, this building was renovated into a community center and named after Dr. Jerry B. Callahan. Dr. Callahan was the first Black doctor to open a medical practice in Orlando.

The Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church was organized by the Rev. C.J. Scott in 1880. The current sanctuary was completed in 1962.

The Zora Neale Hurston Buildings at the State Regional Service Center on West Robinson Street.

Originally established in 1949, the Florida A&M University College of Law was closed by the Florida legislature in 1965, with its funds transferred to a new law school at nearby Florida State University. In 2000, the Florida Legislature passed legislation to reestablish the school. As a result, a new College of Law was built in Parramore, admitting its first class in 2002.

A 2-mile shared use path made of recycle rubber chips and kiln-dried aggregate was completed paralleling Westmoreland Drive in 2018.

Article by Ennis Davis, AICP. Contact Ennis at