Additional Projects In Process:

Proposed development locator map

4. Bishop Gate/Tribridge Properties PUD redevelopment (Riverside) - The proposal for the property between Bishop Gate Lane and Lomax Street along the St. Johns River is for a multi-family apartment building with 144 units. The project will have an internal garage and RAP is working with the owners on the site plan that ensures and enhances public, pedestrian-friendly access to the river.

5. St. Johns Village/Chance Partners PUD redevelopment (Avondale) - RAP has been working with the developer of this site, who is proposing renovating the Commander apartment building, and demolishing the existing commercial on the St. Johns Village site. The commercial would be replaced with apartments, and the site would be 100% residential.

This property is a unique location that serves as the southern door to and from the historic district. RAP’s working position is that we welcome at a high level the proposed redevelopment plans as far as the preservation/renovation of the Commander apartment building, the proposed 224 units, and the type of apartments planned.

RAP continues to work with the developer and it is our goal to achieve a better site design that makes parking a less dominant feature along St. Johns Avenue, and would add creative public space and street improvements to enhance the value to the tenant experience and the neighborhood alike. In particular, we do not support the large street facing parking structure as proposed. There are also important discussions related to land use, public space and road improvement that are continuing.

Timing: The application was submitted to the Planning Department in July, and legislation may be filed as early as August 23rd, in which case public hearings may begin in September/October. There will be a community meeting, but a date has not yet been determined.

<h1>Smaller Projects:</h1>


  1. 2982 St. Johns Avenue</b> (No Application Submitted Yet) - A contract has been put on the property by a local business owner who is interested in rezoning this property to CO (Commercial Office) or CRO (Commercial, Residential, Office) for his financial firm which currently has approximately 10 employees. RAP met with the owner and his agent, and have expressed our strong opposition to any change to the zoning in this location, which is currently within the residential land use category, low density residential zoning (RLD-60) designation and residential character area of the Overlay. We will monitor the proposal.


  1. 2502 and 2510 Oak Street </b>(Administrative Deviation/Zoning Exception/PUD Applications) - The property owner is seeking to redevelop the two existing buildings into a restaurant use. RAP has heard preliminary plans and will be meeting with the property owner in early August.

8. Wendy’s Redevelopment (PUD application) - Wendy’s plans to demolish the existing restaurant and rebuild a new Wendy’s on the site. Early discussions are in process.

9. Shell/Daily’s Redevelopment (PUD application) - The property owner wishes to demolish and rebuild the gas station/convenience store. Early discussions are in process.

<h1>Proposed Legislation:</h1>

In May, Councilman Love introduced 2016-366 Overlay Amendment to the City Council. The bill seeks to define more clearly how Planned Unit Developments (PUDs) should be evaluated within the Riverside Avondale Zoning Overlay, proposes some PUD restrictions, and clarifies parking requirements. PUDs are traditionally used in planning and land use for large-scale projects on big pieces of property that involve a variety of uses.The bill has been in review with the Planning Department, and discussions continue with constituents and RAP. It has been deferred several cycles, and changes to the bill are expected.

In addition, Council President Lori Boyer has introduced 2016-367 and 2016-368. 2016-367 addresses PUDs for Historic District Overlays, and 2016-368 clarifies parking requirements in Part 6 of the code. These bills are currently going through the legislative process and it is our understanding that some changes are still being made.

August 2016 Zoning Update by Riverside Avondale Preservation