General Information

DDRB Application 2021-013 seeks a Modification of the Final Approval for the Shipyards Mixed-Use Development. The project received final approval from DDRB on May 12, 2022. The mixed-use project includes the construction of a Four Seasons Hotel, residential units, and office building. The project site is approximately 24.7 acres and includes Kids Kampus and Metropolitan Park. The project site is bounded to the north by Bay Street (formerly Gator Bowl Boulevard); to the east by Metropolitan Park; to the south by the St. John’s River and to the West by vacant land that is currently slated for institutional and civic uses.

Modification Summary

The request for modification includes the following list, as shown on the plan images on the next page. Impressions resulting from these modifications are reviewed in this report.

• Redesigning the hotel entry court

• Relocating the ballroom from the front entry court of the hotel to the interior of the hotel, facing the river and adding an event lawn

• Removing the balconies on the street facing elevation of the office building

• Altering the layout and design of the food and beverage spaces

• Redesigning the main pool deck and residential amenity space

This development project is subject to redevelopment agreements with the DIA. Any approvals granted by the DDRB do not constitute approval of modifications to the Redevelopment Agreement.

DDRB Staff Recommendation

Based on the foregoing, the Downtown Development Review Board Staff recommends APPROVAL of MODIFICATIONS to application 2021-013, as follows:

  1. Modifications shall be substantially similar to those provided within the application submittal dated April 17, 2023.

  2. Any approvals granted by the DDRB do not constitute approval of modifications to the Redevelopment Agreement.

  3. Conditions upon which the Final Approval was issued remain in effect:

(A) There are multiple plans affecting the project’s interaction with Gator Bowl Boulevard, including the realignment of Gator Bowl Boulevard, and the JTA autonomous vehicle lane configuration currently under design. Consequently, the development’s northern boundary, including ingress and egress from Gator Bowl Boulevard, are not finalized. Staff recommends that the developer continue to coordinate their design with the City’s Traffic Engineer, the DIA, and Public Works;

(B) Continue to work with staff on the selection of the street furnishings including the proposed street lights.

  1. Staff recommends additional landscaping, or a similar treatment, be added to the walls of the project that abut Metropolitan Park and the Riverwalk along the residential section of the building.

May 11, 2023 DDRB Application 2021-013