Berkman Plaza II

Since 2007, the 18-story, unfinished Berkman Plaza II tower has served as a monument to an early 2000s real estate boom gone bust. However, its years of being a tower of blight in the city’s skyline may be coming to an end. In late 2016, Indy Hotels, LLC. submitted an application in hopes of modifying Berkman 2’s zoning in hopes of converting the structure into a hotel. Although the property was rezoned, as of July 2017 its owner was unable to secure a franchise for a hotel. In an August 2017 interview with the Jax Daily Record, Mayor Lenny Curry hinted that progress with the troubled site will take place soon. In the article, he also mentions that a renovation of the existing structure is more likely than tearing it down. At this point, it appears the two most viable options for use are either a hotel or apartments.

Article by Ennis Davis, AICP. Davis is a certified senior planner and graduate of Florida A&M University. He is the author of the award winning books “Reclaiming Jacksonville,” “Cohen Brothers: The Big Store” and “Images of Modern America: Jacksonville.” Davis has served with various organizations committed to improving urban communities, including the American Planning Association and the Florida Trust for Historic Preservation. A 2013 Next City Vanguard, Davis is the co-founder of Metro and — two websites dedicated to promoting fiscally sustainable communities — and Transform Jax, a tactical urbanist group. Contact Ennis at